

Sessions are from R600 per hour and
consultations over Zoom are available

*Please allow 24 hours for responses
*Please note that Dr. Michele Rossouw’s practices are not covered by medical aid


Monday: 9:00-16:00
Tuesday: 9:00-16:00
Wednesday: 9:00-16:00
Thursday: 9:00-16:00
Friday: 9:00-16:00


In our lifetime everyone will experience losses in different forms and intensity, it is universal and unavoidable. Although universal it is still a highly individual experience and process that must be respected and allowed. Grief is a natural response to the loss of someone or something – a part in life that cannot be escaped may it be as a result of for example death, divorce, loss of health – job – pet – house – retirement – approval – trust or safety. Grief stipulates conflicting feelings due to the end of or change in familiar routines.

Book a consultation today.