Co-Active Coaching

What is Co-Active Coaching

Everyone longs to be successful in their lives, whether it is at work, at home, or as a parent, friend or partner. We don’t just want to change one particular circumstance, we want the fundamental ability to live, work, react and create in the most effective way. Scientific research shows that coaching is highly effective and produces transformative results. Co-active coaching help clients develop positive new neural networks, respond more calmly to stress, make choices more easily and access much more of their creativity. This inevitably leads to more effective, successful and fulfilling lives. Particularly effective in engaging, motivating, and helping clients experience lasting change and transformation.

At You-Turn-Powerfully Dr Michele forms a partnership with her client to maximize potential through an action-based, powerful, dynamic, exciting, thought-provoking and creative process. Bringing fresh perspectives on personal and professional challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence.

Because Dr Michele firmly believe people are multi-faceted and dynamic focus are placed on the whole person not just one part of their life. With this in mind an environment is created where individuals can be deeply fulfilled working on aspects of motivation, collaboration, connection, relationships, and balancing self-awareness. The client can further expect improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals.

To evoke transformation the Co-Active-Coach blends skills of nurturing, powerful questioning, feedback, active listening and observation to create conversation rich in insight and learning assisting the client to get to their answers, (re)discover their skills and creativity we firmly believe they naturally hold within themselves.

Why use a coach?

“The purpose of coaching is broadly to support someone to move away from something they don’t want, and towards something that they do want”.

Professional coaching maximises potential unlocking hidden sources of productivity while building self-confidence of employees to face challenges that is critical in meeting organisational demands. A distinct form of support where the coach focus on situations with an attention and commitment rarely experience anywhere else.

Co-Active Coaching rest on four cornerstones

1. People are naturally creative, resourceful & whole
2. The commitment to dance in the moment
3. Focus on the whole person
4. Evoke transformation

Benefits of using a coach

  • Increased knowledge of self, emotional intelligence competencies that distinguish outstanding leaders.
  • Improved personal effectiveness, adaptability, positive outlook, self-management.
  • Increased resourcefulness, resilience/ability to handle change.
  • Improved sense of direction & focus, being more present to surrounding, recover more quickly from stress situations.
  • Accelerated learning around a distinct topic (relationship management, health, finances).
  • Increased focused effort on priorities, motivation or sense of personal engagement.

Book a consultation today.