Temperament Counselling

What is Temperament Counselling?

Temperament Counselling also referred to as Creation Therapy is based on the theory of temperament and uses this knowledge to help us understand ourselves. Although this therapeutic model is a fairly new concept, developed in 1983, it has been extremely successful. The temperament is measured through The Arno Profile System (APS) test  that measures inborn temperament with an accuracy rate of 95.7%.

Many problems are solved or brought under control simply by committing to understand the self; each other; the things that drive us in life; what motivates us & why we feel the way we feel. One of the most exciting things about Temperament Therapy is understanding the inborn temperament & teaching people about themselves & those they love.

The Arno Profile System

The Arno Profile System (APS) provides a powerful deep insight into the mind, will & emotions by measuring the nature of a person’s temperament in three areas:

  • Inclusion: the need to have social relationships: friends, co-workers & the willingness to participate in this type of relationship {The mind}
  • Control: the need to influence others & the willingness to have others influence or control us. {The will}
  • Affection: the need to have close personal relationships & our willingness to prove this kind of relationship to others. {The emotions}

Many conflicts between parents & teenagers; husbands & wives; employers & employees etc. can be resolved simply by teaching temperament traits and identifying temperament needs. Once we come to understand ourselves and others it becomes a great deal easier to “live together.”

Insight of your & your loved ones temperament give a firm foundation in a family where each individual will:

  • Have the safeguard of having his/her dependency neds met appropriately
  • Have access to fulfil his/her own gifts & talents of uniqueness & selfhood
  • Be less likely to suffer stress and anxiety.

Book a consultation today.